Address details

SILTEGRO Sp. z o.o.

Raciborska 106a · 47-435 Raszczyce

NIP: 6423114978

GIOŚ registration number: E0021114WBW

Our team

Electronics manufacturing and CNC machining

Technical information

Accounting and administration

Information technology and software

Logistics and purchasing department

All of our solutions have one thing in common –

perfection arising from the passion and commitment of those who create them.

Any questions?

Write to us through the form or contact us by phone.

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Information for natural persons about the processing of their personal data

This is to inform you that your personal data are processed by the Data Controller – SILTEGRO sp. z o.o. At the same time, this is to inform you that:
  1. The purpose of processing your personal data is to complete your order/contract.
  2. Your personal data will be shared with our Processors in order to settle the completed order/request/contract.
  3. Your personal data are processed on the following legal basis: Article 23(1)(1) of the Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (consent to the processing of personal data).
  4. The data must be provided for the completion of the order/request/contract. If you refuse to provide the Data Controller with your personal data, the contract cannot be entered into or performed.
  5. Due to the Data Controller’s processing of your personal data, you have the right to request from the Data Controller access to your personal data, their rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, to object to processing and data portability, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (President of the Personal Data Protection Office), and to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any stage.
  6. Your personal data are not processed with the use of automated decision-making systems, including profiling.
The collected personal data will be stored for the period of performance of the contract and 5 years after its termination, in view of the legal obligation to keep records for the purposes of a potential tax audit.
Accounting and administrationInformation technology and softwareLogistics and purchasing departmentElectronics manufacturing and CNC machiningThis site uses cookies to provide the highest level of service. You agree to their use if you continue to use the site.I agree